Build a Business Plan: Exploring Data Analysis and Graphing Project-Based Learning Unit

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A Comprehensive Lesson on Collecting, Analyzing, Displaying, and Presenting Data

Learn methods for collecting and refining data through surveys and research, experiment with analysis and interpretation techniques, build graphical models for presenting data, and synthesize that knowledge by designing and presenting a plan for "growth hacking" the business of a favorite sports team.

Your students will learn all about collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data while applying math skills in this complete project-based learning unit on data analysis and graphing for grades 6-8 math. They'll learn all about the methods statisticians use to collect data by researching an industry and creating a survey tool, techniques for interpreting and refining datasets, how to use graphing and other methods to display and make decisions, and then create a "growth hacking" plan for increasing the revenues of their favorite sports team.

What's Inside

Packed with hands-on inquiry-based activities, extensions and enhancements, cross-curricular independent and group work, and engaging and interactive challenges, this 51-page project-based unit comes complete with:

  • For the Teacher: A complete data analysis and graphing Lesson Plan with step-by-step instructions for all activities, teaching tips, assessment guidance, and inquiry questions.
  • For Students: A full-color Student Pack complete with all of the printables, photos, and instructions students need for the research, experiments and activities - just print (or share) and teach!

A complete, ready-to-teach Teacher Pack that includes:

  1. Teacher versions of all the student printables with step-by-step annotations and notes for teaching data analysis and graphing;
  2. Formative and summative assessments, answer keys, and a full project rubric;
  3. Instructions and guidance for the extension activities and project enhancements;
  4. Materials and resources lists, links to articles and videos, plus additional resources for lecture and presentation.


What's Included

Lesson Plan - Step-by-Step Project Guide

  • Milestone 1: Building Background Knowledge About Business Growth Hacking
  • Milestone 2: Collecting Data
  • Milestone 3: Displaying Data
  • Milestone 4: Interpreting Data
  • Milestone 5: Presenting Data

Teacher and Student Resources

  • Materials Needed for the Projects in this Unit
  • Books About Business and Data 
  • Growth Hacking Answer Key
  • Digital Graph Creation Resources
  • Graph Paper 
  • Graphing and Data Quick Quiz
  • Graphing and Data Quick Quiz Answer Key
  • Calculating Percent of Change Answer Key
  • Predicting Ticket Sales Model
  • Graphing and Data Summative Assessment
  • Graphing and Data Summative Assessment Answer Key
  • Graphing and Data Project Rubric
  • 3-2-1 Summary 
  • Growth Hacking 
  • How to Do Good Research 
  • Choose Your Favorite Team 
  • Milestone #1 Inquiry Question 
  • Creating a Survey 
  • Collecting Data 
  • Milestone #2 Inquiry Question 
  • Displaying Data 
  • Milestone #3 Inquiry Question 
  • Calculating Percent of Change 
  • Tips for Designing an Advertisement 
  • Predicting Ticket Sales 
  • My Big Idea 
  • Advertisement 
  • Milestone #4 Inquiry Question
  • The Best Big Ideas
  • Milestone #5 Inquiry Question
Lesson Plan - Exploring Data Analysis and Graphing Project-Based Learning Lesson
Teacher Pack - Exploring Data Analysis and Graphing Project-Based Learning Lesson
Student Pack - Exploring Data Analysis and Graphing Project-Based Learning Lesson


This project-based learning lesson is designed to support and reinforce the concepts taught as part of a lesson on Data Analysis and Graphing or Entrepreneurship. It is built around 5 inquiry-based milestones that incorporate cross-curricular hands-on projects, formative and summative assessments, independent and group activities, and extensions.


In the course of this project-based learning unit, students will:

  • Build background knowledge about how businesses use data to make decisions and increase revenues;
  • Design and carry out a survey tool to collect data needed to solve a specific problem;
  • Perform data analysis and interpretation techniques to refine their surveys and reach actionable conclusions;
  • Use hands-on tools to aggregate and display the findings from their data collection and analysis;
  • "Show what they know" by using their data to create a marketing plan for "growth hacking" the revenues of their favorite sports team .


Students will acquire necessary background knowledge of business and data analysis as part of this project, and instructional materials for providing that background are included in the Teacher Pack. Students should be familiar with basic procedures for  techniques for graphing on a line or in a chart.


This project-based unit is divided into 5 milestones. The minimum suggested duration for completing this project-based unit is 5 class periods. However, the unit is completely flexible can be lengthened or shortened as necessary or desired, based on available class time and interest level.


  • Internet access
  • Spreadsheet software for charting/graphing (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets)


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